Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas...Some part white...some part wet, and the rest bright...But all celebrates the holidays where it's time to share, to give and to love. May all your wishes come true and that Santa will reward you justly with how you behave for the year. ^o*
3 Barks:
~ OMG! u believe in Santa?!? LOL .. melly clistmas dude ~ cheers
hahahahha pooch shopping ada boxing day disanaaaaa
haha...that's for u if u behave...santa will come and eat your cookies and drink your milk. =P If you don't behave and be a good presents for u!
shopping boxing day? ga tahu tuh....bonyok balik waktu boxing day. Lagipula org sing kayanya ga tahu boxing day deh. itu cuman dipake di US sama di UK. hehehe....kamu aja yg mestinya shopping waktu boxing day. Di sini mah tunggu the Great Singapore Big Sale! hahaha...
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