Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Gosh...this week comes really slow...I guess my time is really limited and I have to make use whatever's left of it. doesn't help that the purpose of my stay now is only to wait for the result of my past interview with Schukra. I should know by the end of this week, and the same as my fate.

It's funny, the journey always has different paths, different obstacles and consequently different outcomes. One small change on the road, it changes the whole perspective of the path. If I were to be late doing something for 1 minute, the outcome lasts forever. How cruel.

It reminds me how much I've missed in my life and there's no chance of getting it back. The more I think, the more I get frustrated. I think being alone does contribute to my present state (Thanks Noe and Applegal). This by no way means I will be flying in a flock anytime soon :D.

Truth be told, I would rather have it this way. Let me be envious. Let me be outcast. Let me be me. To be free is to be captured by the moment, and to be liberated is to be imprisoned into another dimension. Being poetic doesn't help. (I think I lost myself here... x_x)

So, I will get more updates if my mood swing the other way.

BTW, in case what you're wondering what the title means, here you go:


smitten Show phonetics
adjective [after verb]
having suddenly started to like or love something or someone very much:

and the reason...

Hyori Lee...

aaaa...if only there's someone out there like her... ->_<-

1 Barks:

At 10:16 AM, Blogger inoedoshi said...

~ Dude, WTF lah!?! u will never be an outcast to anybody bro .. at least to me ... i guess u r just plain frustrated a'ite .. get some rest yoo .. n tek it izzi .. but i do agree on one thing tho ... Hyori Lee is HOT! wakakakakkakaka .. Shhttt .. dun tell anybody k? ^^ .. ;p ... life may not be the party we hope for; but since we are here, we might as well dance .. kekekekekeke .. newly ripped .. kikiki .. tekker bro ~ cheers


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